How Donald Trump’s DOJ provided Biden with a crucial aid in the upcoming impeachment investigation

Donald Trump's DOJ

This is how Donald Trump’s DOJ provided Biden with a crucial aid

Due to Donald Trump’s DOJ or a legal judgment provided by the Justice Department in January 2020 while under the Trump administration, Joe Biden might have a tactical advantage in responding to the House’s fresh impeachment investigation. 

According to this opinion, House impeachment inquiries aren’t taken seriously unless the House formally approves them through votes. 

The view was a rebuttal to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s choice to open an impeachment investigation without a first vote against Trump. Importantly, this opinion remains valid and enforceable.

This legal precedent might be crucial since Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced an investigation into Biden’s possible impeachment without a vote. 

The ruling asserted that the House must expressly allow a committee to launch an impeachment investigation and use coercive processes before requiring the production of documents or testimony. Steven Engel, the head of the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel at the time, wrote the opinion. 

According to Engel’s analysis, subpoenas issued prior to October 31, 2019, without such authorization, lacked any sort of binding authority.

This legal judgment essentially gives Biden a viable defense against the impeachment investigation since it casts doubt on the legitimacy of the investigation in the absence of a legislative vote authorizing it.

The result and implications of this predicament, however, will probably depend on the House’s political climate and legal arguments.

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